We customize our services to match each client's individual needs. Our pricing is flexible and designed to offer value, ensuring you receive the right support to reach your goals.
Explore Package
Perfect for real estate individuals or teams beginning to recognize the need for streamlined operations to create room for growth. Our Explorer Package is your first step towards understanding and leveraging sales and revenue operations to regain control of your time and expand your capacity.
Service Breakdown: 3 hours per week @ $55 per hour
Ideal For: Those looking to explore sales and revenue operations as a growth lever.
Engage Package
For those who have a clearer vision of their needs and are ready to invest in professional operational support. The Engage Package offers a taste of a full-time operations professional's expertise, dedicating 5 hours per week to a combination of strategic meetings and administrative or training tasks.
Service Breakdown: 5 hours per week @ $45 per hour
Ideal For: Those ready to engage professional operations support on a regular basis.
Partnership Package
A step towards a long-term operational success, the Partnership Package establishes a part-time alliance with Easy Ops, dedicating 10 hours per week towards meeting your operational goals. Consider us your part-time Chief Revenue Officer, working alongside you to strategize, train, and execute operational tasks.
Service Breakdown: 10+ hours per week @ $40 per hour
Ideal For: Those seeking a part-time, yet dedicated operational partnership.